At the 16th edition of ABIM representatives of the biocontrol industry met from 19-20 October 2021. This worldwide event for the biocontrol industry took place live in Basel again. More than 970 participants from 44 nations were able to network together, face to face, as well as listen to inspiring presentations and panel discussions. Business meetings between delegates and our 71 exhibitors took place throughout the event. Both SME’s and large enterprises were well represented. An amazing number of innovations were presented. These are essential tools to facilitate the transformation to a sustainable agriculture.

The programme of ABIM 2021 included a highly attractive journalist-led panel discussion involving biocontrol industry leaders, food processors, NGOs and researchers on how biocontrol will help transform agriculture. COPA President for European Farmers, Christiane Lambert, addressed The role of biocontrol in the transformation of agriculture in her keynote speech. COLEACP underlined the role of biocontrol in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific countries.
The winning product of the 2021 Bernard Blum Award for Novel Biocontrol Solutions was BioPersi+ Classic/Speed Sachet from BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd. In 2nd place was Certis Europe with Problad and in 3rd place was Bee Vectoring Technology with their product Vectorite with CR-7 + Vectorhive. The winner of the new category “Best Innovative product assisting biocontrol uptake” is Bioline Agrosciences’ product T-Booster.
It was a pleasure to meet you during the ABIM – Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting 2021 conference. We would like to thank all our visitors and look forward to seeing you next year.
Giorgio Freschi, CEO
Focus on ABIM
The biocontrol industry continues solid growth and is keenly awaiting the chance to interact within ABIM. As an unrivalled meeting place for the biocontrol industry, ABIM is internationally recognised. It remains the best place to discover and unveil new products, to discuss market opportunities, to present new research and products, to learn about the latest regulatory situation and to liaise with fellow professionals.